I finally had a chance to correct these photos and get them posted here. In Oct/Nov I taught a six-week art journaling series at Vita Art Center, and I was amazed at the rich, meaningful and varied work my eight students produced! Here's just a taste of some of their completed pages:
It's been a felt storm around here lately! Here are some of the items I've made to sell at the Ojai Holiday Home Look-in Marketplace, which will take place November 20-22 at the old Ford dealership property.
I've also got baby blankets, Xmas pillows, and more Xmas stockings in the works.
For more info on this fantastic holiday shopping opportunity, go here.
Here are some pages from my newly finished altered book. I started this with the idea of using mostly shades of white, against the black ravens, but as you'll see, after the first spread that idea pretty much went down the drain. I'm still searching for the elusive white book inside myself.